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Yield Membro Junior Registrado
63 Mensagens 1 Curtida

Cedega no slackware? Ajuda... ?

#1 Por Yield 05/11/2004 - 03:37
dae pessoal
tipo eu ja baixei o pacote tgz de 7mb do cedega
instalei eles normalmente mas não roda nenhum jogo
ta dando "isso" para qq jogo olhem:

constantino@yield:~/Desktop/Tralala$ cedega /home/constantino/Desktop/Gentrylinux/cm/cm0102_GDI.exe -use-pthreads no
Fontconfig could not be loaded.
This is not necessarily a fatal error, however the font selection
available to applications may be limited without it.
For more details please consult the WineX Font FAQ.
Unable to find a sufficient number of fonts available to FreeType.
FreeType will not be loaded as a result.
FreeType could not be loaded.
This is not necessarily a fatal error, however some
applications require FreeType to be installed and
may not function or display text correctly otherwise.
Please consult the WineX Font FAQ for more details
about this problem
wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...
WineDbg starting on pid 1
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/bin/wine' (0x00000000)
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4000ad60
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libntdll.so' (0x40016000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libwine.so' (0x40116000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libwine_unicode.so' (0x4012c000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libwine_port.so' (0x401f3000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/libm.so.6' (0x40208000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/libc.so.6' (0x4022a000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/libdl.so.2' (0x40344000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/ld-linux.so.2' (0x40000000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libkernel32.so' (0x406b3000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libuser32.so' (0x40733000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libgdi32.so' (0x4085c000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libadvapi32.so' (0x408d1000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libwinspool.drv.so' (0x408f8000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libcomdlg32.so' (0x4090d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libshell32.so' (0x40971000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/libpng.so.3' (0x409ec000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/libz.so.1' (0x40a1c000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libole32.so' (0x40a2d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/librpcrt4.so' (0x40a92000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libshlwapi.so' (0x40ad8000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libcomctl32.so' (0x40b18000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libdsound.so' (0x40b9d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libwinmm.so' (0x40bbe000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libwsock32.so' (0x401f5000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libws2_32.so' (0x40c14000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libwineserver.so' (0x40c2c000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libx11drv.so' (0x40c6d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libwine_tsx11.so' (0x40ce8000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/libSM.so.6' (0x40d0d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so.6' (0x40d16000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1' (0x40d2e000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega//winex/lib/libGLU.so.1' (0x40daa000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.so.6' (0x40e65000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6' (0x40e73000)
No debug information in ELF '/lib/libpthread.so.0' (0x40f3d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/libXxf86vm.so.1' (0x40348000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/xlcDef.so.2' (0x40204000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/ximcp.so.2' (0x40f8f000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/lib/gconv/ISO8859-1.so' (0x4034d000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/libXcursor.so.1' (0x40fad000)
No debug information in ELF '/usr/X11R6/lib/libXrender.so.1' (0x40fb6000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'D:\Desktop\Gentrylinux\cm\cm0102_GDI.exe' (0x00400000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'NTDLL.DLL' (0x40053000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'KERNEL32.DLL' (0x406e6000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'ADVAPI32.DLL' (0x408e3000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'GDI32.DLL' (0x4087b000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'USER32.DLL' (0x4076a000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WINSPOOL.DRV' (0x40900000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'RPCRT4.DLL' (0x40ab5000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'OLE32.DLL' (0x40a4c000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'SHLWAPI.DLL' (0x40af5000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'COMCTL32.DLL' (0x40b26000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'SHELL32.DLL' (0x40997000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'COMDLG32.DLL' (0x4091f000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WINMM.DLL' (0x40bcc000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'DSOUND.DLL' (0x40baa000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WS2_32.DLL' (0x40c1c000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'WSOCK32.DLL' (0x401f9000)
No debug information in 32bit DLL 'X11DRV.DLL' (0x40c8a000)
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x408a11ad).
In 32-bit mode.
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:2007 GS:0000
EIP:408a11ad ESP:406a2ae8 EBP:406a2afc EFLAGS:00210206( R- 00 I - -P1 )
EAX:406a2b40 EBX:408c010c ECX:00000007 EDX:40374240
ESI:40374240 EDI:00000000
Stack dump:
0x406a2ae8 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x4107f8): 400fcfa0 00001c00 408c010c 00000000
0x406a2af8 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x410808): 40374240 406a2b18 408a136f 40374240
0x406a2b08 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x410818): 00000000 408c010c 408bac76 40350538
0x406a2b18 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x410828): 406a2b50 40c8b4f2 40374240 00000000
0x406a2b28 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x410838): 408c010c 40883ea4 08057728 40350538
0x406a2b38 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x410848): 00000000 406a2b40 00000000 408c010c
0x406a2b48 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x410858):

0400: sel=2007 base=401144e0 limit=00000000 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x408a11ad (GDI32.DLL.EntryPoint+0x19ca1 in libgdi32.so) (ebp=406a2afc)
1 0x408a136f (GDI32.DLL.EntryPoint+0x19e63 in libgdi32.so) (ebp=406a2b18)
2 0x40c8b4f2 (X11DRV.DLL..text+0x4f2 in X11DRV.DLL) (ebp=406a2b50)
3 0x40884902 (GDI32.DLL.104+0x2e7a in libgdi32.so) (ebp=406a2bf8)
4 0x408a5ea5 (USER32.DLL.TranslateCharsetInfo+0x2051 in libgdi32.so) (ebp=406a2c14)
5 0x408a6017 (USER32.DLL.TranslateCharsetInfo+0x21c3 in libgdi32.so) (ebp=406a2c34)
6 0x4089a6d9 (GDI32.DLL.EntryPoint+0x131cd in libgdi32.so) (ebp=406a2c4c)
7 0x4089b39e (GDI32.DLL.EntryPoint+0x13e92 in libgdi32.so) (ebp=406a2da4)
8 0x407d0fff (USER32.DLL.GetSysColorPen+0x127 in libuser32.so) (ebp=406a2dd4)
9 0x40787755 (USER32.DLL.GetTabbedTextExtentW+0x77d in libuser32.so) (ebp=406a2de4)
10 0x407878e1 (USER32.DLL.UserClientDllInitialize+0x31 in libuser32.so) (ebp=406a2df0)
11 0x40087adb (KERNEL32.DLL.__wine_call_from_16_regs+0x6887 in libntdll.so) (ebp=406a2e14)
12 0x40083249 (KERNEL32.DLL.__wine_call_from_16_regs+0x1ff5 in libntdll.so) (ebp=406a2e3c)
13 0x400833c7 (KERNEL32.DLL.__wine_call_from_16_regs+0x2173 in libntdll.so) (ebp=406a2e64)
14 0x4008340f (KERNEL32.DLL.__wine_call_from_16_regs+0x21bb in libntdll.so) (ebp=406a2e88)
15 0x400c46bc (NTDLL.DLL.wine_server_call+0x19f0 in libntdll.so) (ebp=406a2f30)
16 0x400c884d (NTDLL.DLL.__wine_get_wmain_args+0x3c21 in libntdll.so) (ebp=406a2ff4)
17 0x400c8998 (NTDLL.DLL.__wine_get_wmain_args+0x3d6c in libntdll.so) (ebp=00000000)

0x408a11ad (GDI32.DLL.EntryPoint+0x19ca1 in libgdi32.so): repe movsl (%esi),%esfrown.png%edi)
Address Module Name
0x00400000-00dcc000 (PE) D:\Desktop\Gentrylinux\cm\cm0102_GDI.exe
0x40053000-40055000 (PE) NTDLL.DLL
0x401f9000-401fb000 (PE) WSOCK32.DLL
0x406e6000-406e8000 (PE) KERNEL32.DLL
0x4076a000-4076c000 (PE) USER32.DLL
0x4087b000-4087d000 (PE) GDI32.DLL
0x408e3000-408e5000 (PE) ADVAPI32.DLL
0x40900000-40902000 (PE) WINSPOOL.DRV
0x4091f000-40921000 (PE) COMDLG32.DLL
0x40997000-40999000 (PE) SHELL32.DLL
0x40a4c000-40a4e000 (PE) OLE32.DLL
0x40ab5000-40ab7000 (PE) RPCRT4.DLL
0x40af5000-40af7000 (PE) SHLWAPI.DLL
0x40b26000-40b28000 (PE) COMCTL32.DLL
0x40baa000-40bac000 (PE) DSOUND.DLL
0x40bcc000-40bce000 (PE) WINMM.DLL
0x40c1c000-40c1e000 (PE) WS2_32.DLL
0x40c8a000-40c8c000 (PE) X11DRV.DLL
process tid prio
00000001 (D) D:\Desktop\Gentrylinux\cm\cm0102_GDI.exe
00000002 0 <==
WineDbg terminated on pid 1
/usr/bin/cedega: line 321: 2356 Terminated $SHELL -c "$RUNWINE $WINVER -debugmsg $DEBUGMSG -use-dos-cwd $WORKDIR -- $COMMAND_LINE"

deu isso
tipo eu ja rodei o cedega no kurumin
mas la era mais simples pq foi criado um link no "menu iniciar" do kde e abria um script grafico para a execução dos jogos, e esses executaram todos e sem problemas
agora no slack não sei qq tenho q fazer =/
se souberem alguma solução razoavel por favor ajudem-me
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