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freeaak Membro Junior Registrado
185 Mensagens 0 Curtidas

Midi no Kurumin

#1 Por freeaak 26/06/2006 - 14:09
Meu Kuruma nao tah tocando midi nem a pau. Se eu baixar o arquivo e tentar executar por modo grafico, ele abre o amarok e diz q nao conseguiu carregar. Se eu executo com xplaymidi por comando, dá isso:

root@kurumin:/home/atila/Desktop# xplaymidi --help
Playmidi 2.4 Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Nathan I. Laredo, AWE32 by Takashi Iwai
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details please see the file COPYING.
usage: xplaymidi [-options] file1 [file2 ...]
-v verbosity (additive)
-i x ignore channels set in bitmask x (hex)
-c x play only channels set in bitmask x (hex)
-x x exclude channel x from playable bitmask
-p [c,]x play program x on channel c (all if no c)
-V [c,]x play channel c with volume x (all if no c)
-t x skew tempo by x (float)
-d don't play any percussion
-P x play percussion on channel x
-e output to external midi
-D x output to midi device x
-f output to fm (sb patches)
-4 output to 4-op fm (opl/3 patches)
-a output to awe32 wave synth
-h x skip to header x in large archive
-g output to gravis ultrasound
-E x play channels in bitmask x external
-F x play channels in bitmask x on fm
-G x play channels in bitmask x on gus
-A x play channels in bitmask x on awe32
-z ignore channel of all events
-8 force 8-bit samples on GUS
-M enable MT-32 to GM translation mode
-I show list of all GM programs (see -p)
-R x set initial reverb to x (0-127)
-C x set initial chorus to x (0-127)
-r real-time playback graphics
root@kurumin:/home/atila/Desktop# xplaymidi a28.mid
Playmidi 2.4 Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Nathan I. Laredo, AWE32 by Takashi Iwai
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details please see the file COPYING.
xplaymidi: No playback device found.

Jah tentei adicionar -f, -e, -a e outros e nada. O máximo q deu foi abrir uma janela grafica com um vizualizador simples (tipo xmms, winamp), mas sem som algum.
Alguma solução :?:

EDIT: Não achei pacote com nome de xplaymidi no apt-get, entao nem consegui atualizá-lo.

EDIT2: Nem XMMS nem nenhum outro programa toca tb.
gilpier Membro Senior Registrado
355 Mensagens 0 Curtidas
#2 Por gilpier
26/06/2006 - 14:28
Freeaak, tudo bem?
Veja no tópico "Kurumin Grupo de estudo", de Qua Jun21, 2006, o ítem "MIDI no kurumin", aonde explico como conseguí colocar o Rosegarden4 para tocar.
Boa sorte!
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