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DrakeBR Novo Membro Registrado
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O famoso modversions.h!

#1 Por DrakeBR 06/03/2004 - 17:17
Oi, eu estou instalando o meu modem de drive cm8738 (pacote pctel-0.9.6.tar) no Mandrake 9.2, e estou com muitas dificuldades,
eu li no arquivo "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux/version.h" que tenho que fazer algumas modificações para usar os modulos, pois é, eu só vou até a parte em que cria um link no diretório "build", gostaria de saber como eu copio o "/boot/vmlinuz.version.h" para o "version.h"?
Aqui vai o que está escrito no "version.h":

#ifdef __KERNEL__
#error "======================================================="
#error "You should not include /usr/include/{linux,asm}/ header"
#error "files directly for the compilation of kernel modules."
#error ""
#error "glibc now uses kernel header files from a well-defined"
#error "working kernel version (as recommended by Linus Torvalds)"
#error "These files are glibc internal and may not match the"
#error "currently running kernel. They should only be"
#error "included via other system header files - user space"
#error "programs should not directly include or"
#error " as well."
#error ""
#error "To build kernel modules please do the following:"
#error ""
#error " o Have the kernel sources installed"
#error ""
#error " o Make sure that the symbolic link"
#error " /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build exists and points to"
#error " the matching kernel source directory"
#error ""
#error " o Now copy /boot/vmlinuz.version.h to"
#error " /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include/linux/version.h"
#error ""
#error " o When compiling, make sure to use the following"
#error " compiler option to use the correct include files:"
#error ""
#error " -I/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include"
#error ""
#error " instead of"
#error ""
#error " -I/usr/include/linux"
#error ""
#error " Please adjust the Makefile accordingly."
#error "======================================================="
#define UTS_RELEASE "2.4.22"
#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 132118
#define KERNEL_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c))

Ficarei grato se alguém me falar como eu faço isso, e como eu completo a
instalação usando o Mandrake 9.2.
Valeu galera. big_green.png
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